Chris Gardner, Kehilangan tempat tinggal, ditinggal istri namun kini dia menjadi seorang milyuner sukses
Chris Gardner
pernah nonton film atau baca buku Pursuit of Happyness ? Itulah kisah
nyata kehidupan Christoper Paul Gardner yang diperankan oleh Will Smith.
Pahit manisnya kehidupan tampaknya sudah dirasakan olenya. Kehilangan
tempat tinggal, ditinggal istri, ditangkap polisi, kesulitan membayar
kredit, semuanya sudah dirasakan. Dia bukanlah orang berpendidikan
tinggi tapi dia terus berusaha dan berjuang, Kini dia menjadi seorang
milyuner sukses, motivator, entrepeneur dan filantropis. Sekarang dia
mempunyai Gardner Rich & Co, sebuah perusahaan pialang saham
Sumber :
've Ever watched a movie or read a book Pursuit of Happyness? That's the real life story of Christopher Paul Gardner played by Will Smith. Bitter sweetness of life seems to have felt olenya. Homeless, abandoned wife, was arrested by police, difficulty paying the loan, all of them are already being felt. He was not educated but he continued to try and fight, now he became a millionaire success, motivator, entrepreneur and philanthropist. Now he has a Gardner Rich & Co., a stock brokerage firm
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